Hell NO to Amnesty.

I am so sorry for Dr. McCullough, so wrong on so many levels. I am really tired of the good guys being abused for speaking out.

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Honestly, anyone even SUGGESTING Amnesty should be treated as a COLLABORATOR in mass murder.

There MUST be tribunals. There MUST be executions. These predatory narcissists must be completely extinguished from the gene pool and never allowed to return.

Their apologists too. “Toxic forgiveness” is the REASON why the evil was allowed to grow strong enough to murder so many innocents. The practitioners of “toxic forgiveness” are just as guilty as those who injected the poison. Death by hanging for both of them.

A healthy dose of righteous intolerance for predatory evil is long overdue.

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Right there with you. There is no end in sight w/these people, they have to be stopped.

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