When the Bolsheviks took power in 1917, they murdered the symbol of the former regime, the Romanovs, the following year, then went after the middle-income earners that made up the bulk of society -- i.e. the "kulaks".

History doesn't repeat but it rhymes. It seems like 2020 was the 1917 moment, an utterly hostile element has seized power, globohomo is moving in to destroy Orange Man, and then after that they plan to come for the white middle class. Nasty times ahead...

Re: the use of lawfare, it seems like liberals have adopted a quote by Peruvian dictator Oscar R. Benavides as their slogan: "To my friends, everything; to my enemies, the law."

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And Whom, may I ask, wrote the laws? They didn't grow on trees.

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In the case of the charges against Orange Man, the vast majority of liberal legal commentators say it is based on untested, novel theories of the law and is "disappointing". But hey, get the right liberal jury from a heavily skewed liberal, cosmopolitan area and its quite possible they convict him simply for being Orange Man Bad regardless of the law.

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Creating "legal standards out of thin air" is the logical outgrowth of holding the Constitution to be a "living, breathing document." "It means what I want it to mean." Lewis Carroll, I think? "It depends on on what the meaning of the word 'is' is." (I think that's how the quotation goes.) William Jefferson Clinton, president, 1993 - 2001.

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Disappointing to see reactionary right-wing nutty at "The Unity" project.

The Framework IS the message.

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